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Mcquay Duct Size Calculator Free 15


Use the static pressure drop from 4) as a constant to determine the ducts sizes throughout the system. Use the air volumes calculated in 1) for the calculation. Select the duct sizes with the pressure drop for the actual ducts as close to the main duct pressure drop as possible.

This template is based on the figure above. Customize sections, airflows, duct sizes and minor dynamic loss coefficients - add pressure loss paths and evaluate and reconfigure the system to fit your criteria. Summarize pressure loss for each path and add damper pressure losses manually to balance the system.

mcquay duct size calculator free 15

The right sized ductwork ensures your HVAC system will work efficiently. If the ducts are too small, the system will work harder and use more energy; oversized ducts will reduce air velocity, and you might not know air is venting into rooms. HVAC ductwork sizing involves using a complex formula. To simplify things, here is a general overview of how ductwork size is calculated:

Sky Heating and Air Conditioning provides HVAC and ductwork service throughout the Portland, OR, area and Southwest Washington. Our licensed technicians can properly size and install your ductwork to fit your home and meet your needs, as well as increase efficiency and reliability. For more information on ductwork size, and any other questions you might have, reach out to us online, call 541-275-2918, or schedule an appointment online.


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