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Linotype Gold Edition 2.0 Mac To: How to Create Stunning Typography with the Best Fonts


Font List GoldEdition 2.0 Catalog Name PC PS File Name Printer Font PC TT File Name Mac PS File Name Printer Font 1. Aachen by Linotype Medium lt_70005.pfb lt_70005.ttf AacheMedPla 2. Aachen by Linotype Bold lt_70004.pfb lt_70004.ttf AacheBolPla 3. Aachen by Adobe Bold lte50127.pfb lte50127.ttf AacheLTBol 4. Aachen by Adobe Central European Bold accb____.pfb AacheCEBol 5. Abadi Extra Light abel____.pfb abel____.ttf AbadiMTExtLig 6. Abadi Extra Light Italic abeli___.pfb abeli___.ttf AbadiMTExtLigIta 7. Abadi Light abal____.pfb abal____.ttf AbadiMTLig 8. Abadi Light Italic abali___.pfb abali___.ttf AbadiMTLigIta 9. Abadi Regular aba_____.pfb aba_____.ttf AbadiMT 10. Abadi Italic abai____.pfb abai____.ttf AbadiMTIta 11. Abadi Bold abab____.pfb abab____.ttf AbadiMTBol 12. Abadi Bold Italic ababi___.pfb ababi___.ttf AbadiMTBolIta 13. Abadi Extra Bold abeb____.pfb abeb____.ttf AbadiMTExtBol 14. Abadi Extra Bold Italic abebi___.pfb abebi___.ttf AbadiMTExtBolIta 15. Abadi Light Condensed abacl___.pfb abacl___.ttf AbadiMTConLig 16. Abadi Condensed abac____.pfb abac____.ttf AbadiMTCon 17. Abadi Condensed Bold abacb___.pfb abacb___.ttf AbadiMTConBol 18. Abadi Condensed Extra Bold abace___.pfb abace___.ttf AbadiMTConExtBol 19. ITC Abaton by Linotype Regular LT_70006.pfb LT_70006.ttf ITCAba 20. Abbot Uncial Regular ABBOU___.PFB AbbotUnc 21. Linotype Abstract Regular LT_14354.pfb LT_14354.ttf AbstrLT 22. Academy Engraved Regular 46152___.PFB 46152___.TTF AcadeEngPla 23. Achispado Regular lt_57657.pfb LT_57657.ttf AchisLT 24. Acorn Regular ACORN___.PFB Acorn 25. Acorn Bold ACORB___.PFB AcornBol 26. ITC Adderville Book AdrvilBk.pfb ADDEIW__.TTF AdderITCBoo 27. ITC Adderville Medium AdrvilMd.pfb ADDEITM_.TTF AdderITCMed 28. ITC Adderville Heavy AdrvilHv.pfb ADDEIH__.TTF AdderITCHea 29. Ad Hoc Roman LT_59003.pfb LT_59003.ttf AdHoc 30. Ad Hoc Roman SC LT_59007.pfb adhosc__.ttf AdHocSmaCap 31. Ad Hoc Italic LT_59005.pfb LT_59005.ttf AdHocIta 32. Ad Hoc Bis LT_59004.pfb LT_59004.ttf AdHocBis 33. Ad Hoc Bis Italic LT_59006.pfb LT_59006.ttf AdHocBisIta 34. Ad Lib Regular ADLIB___.PFB ADLIB___.TTF AdLibICG 35. Administer Light DML_____.PFB ATAdmLig 36. Administer Light Italic DMLI____.PFB ATAdmLigIta 37. Administer Book DMW_____.PFB ATAdmBoo 38. Administer Book Italic DMWI____.PFB ATAdmBooIta 39. Administer Bold DMB_____.PFB ATAdmBol 40. Adolescence Regular ADOLESCE.PFB ADOLES.TTF Adole 41. Advertisers Gothic Light AT107___.PFB CgAdvGotLig 42. ITC Aftershock by Linotype Regular LT_70008.pfb LT_70008.ttf AfterITC 43. Agincourt Plain 49651___.PFB 49651___.TTF AgincPla 44. Linotype Agogo Regular LT_53821.pfb LT_53821.ttf AgogoLT 45. Linotype Agogo Swash One LT_13965.pfb LT_13965.ttf AgogoLTSwaOne 46. Linotype Agogo Swash Two LT_13966.pfb LT_13966.ttf AgogoLTSwaTwo 47. Linotype Agogo Swash Three LT_13964.pfb LT_13964.ttf AgogoLTSwaThr 48. Linotype Agogo Swash Four LT_13967.pfb LT_13967.ttf AgogoLTSwaFou 49. Agrafie Regular LT_53183.pfb LT_53183.ttf AgrafLT 50. Agrafie Alexie Regular LT_53190.pfb LT_53190.ttf AlexiLT 51. Aikiko Plain AikikPla 52. Aikiko Sans Regular AikikSanSan 53. Aikiko Plain AIKIP___.PFB 54. Aikiko Sans Regular AIKISS__.PFB 55. ITC Airstream by Linotype Regular LT_70010.pfb LT_70010.ttf AirstITC 56. Aitos Regular AM017___.PFB AITOS___.TTF Aitos 57. Aitos Alternate AM018___.PFB AITOA___.TTF AitosAlt 58. Linotype Albafire Regular LT_54896.pfb LT_54896.ttf AlbafLT 59. Linotype Albatross Regular LT_54897.pfb LT_54897.ttf AlbatLT 60. Linotype Albawing Regular LT_54898.pfb LT_54898.ttf AlbawLTReg 61. Linotype Albawing Italic LT_54899.pfb LT_54899.ttf AlbawLTIta 62. Albertina Regular abr_____.pfb alrg____.ttf AlberMTReg 63. Albertina Regular SC abrsc___.pfb alscrg__.ttf AlberMTRegSC 64. Albertina Regular OsF abros___.pfb alosrg__.ttf AlberMTRegOsF 65. Albertina Italic abi_____.pfb alit____.ttf AlberMTIta 66. Albertina Italic SC abisc___.pfb alscit__.ttf AlberMTItaSC 67. Albertina Italic OsF abios___.pfb alosit__.ttf AlberMTItaOsF 68. Albertina Medium abm_____.pfb almd____.ttf AlberMTMed 69. Albertina Medium SC abmsc___.pfb alscmd__.ttf AlberMTMedSC 70. Albertina Medium OsF abmos___.pfb alosmd__.ttf AlberMTMedOsF 71. Albertina Medium Italic abmi____.pfb almdit__.ttf AlberMTMedIta 72. Albertina Medium Italic SC abmis___.pfb alscmdit.ttf AlberMTMedItaSC 73. Albertina Medium Italic OsF abmio___.pfb alosmdit.ttf AlberMTMedItaOsF 74. Albertina Bold abb_____.pfb albd____.ttf AlberMTBol 75. Albertina Bold SC abbsc___.pfb alscbd__.ttf AlberMTBolSC 76. Albertina Bold OsF abbos___.pfb alosbd__.ttf AlberMTBolOsF Font List GoldEdition20.pdf 1 / 382

Linotype Gold Edition 2.0 Mac To

In a linotype machine, the term escapements refers to the mechanisms at the bottom of the magazine that release matrices one at a time as keys are pressed on the keyboard. There is an escapement for each channel in the magazine.

The linotype keyboard has the same alphabet arrangement given twice, once for lower-case letters, the keys in black, on the left side of the keyboard, and once for upper-case letters, the keys in white, located on the right side of the keyboard. The blue keys in the middle are punctuation, digits, small capital letters and fixed-width spaces. In proper keyboard operation, an experienced operator's left hand operates only the spaceband key and the left column of keys. The operator's right hand strokes the remaining keys on the entire keyboard.

In justified text, the spaces are not fixed width; they expand to make all lines equal in width. In linotype machines this is done by spacebands. A spaceband consists of two wedges, one similar in size and shape to a type matrix, one with a long tail. The wide part of the wedge is at the bottom of the tail, so pushing the tail up expands the spaceband.

The assembler itself is a rail that holds the matrices and spacebands, with a jaw on the left end set to the desired line width. When the operator judges that the line is close enough to full (some machines have an attached bell to accomplish the same thing), he raises the casting lever on the bottom of the keyboard to send the line to the casting section of the linotype machine. The remaining processing for that line is automatic; as soon as the finished line has been transferred to the casting section, the operator can begin composing the next line of text.

The casting section receives completed lines from the assembler, and uses these to cast the type slugs that are the product of the linotype machine. The casting section is automatic: once it is activated by the operator sending a completed line by raising the casting lever, a series of cams and levers move the matrices through the casting section and control the sequence of steps that produce the slug.

The most significant innovation in the linotype machine was that it automated the distribution step; i.e., returning the matrices and space bands back to the correct place in their respective magazines. This is done by the distributor.

In typesetting, it is sometimes necessary to use characters that are uncommon or obscure enough that it does not make sense to assign them to a magazine channel. These characters are referred to as pi characters or sorts ("pi" in this case refers to an obscure printer's term relating to loose or spilled type). Footnote marks, rarely used fractions, and mathematical symbols are examples of pi characters. In the linotype machine, a pi matrix has all teeth present (code 127, no teeth cut away) so it will not drop from the distributor bar and will not be released into either the main or the auxiliary magazine. Instead, it travels all the way to the end and into the flexible metal tube called the pi chute and is then lined up in the sorts stacker, available for further use.[25]

The invention of a machine to replace the labor-intensive task of setting type by hand had been tackled by many inventors during the 19th century. The most time consumed was not in creating the text, but in returning the characters to their proper position for future use. Mergenthaler solved this problem by placing a type mold for a letter on the side of a specially keyed matrix (with multiple matrix/molds available for any given letter). The linotype operator would type in a line of text. The machine would drop each matrix with its mold into place, assembling the matrices into a line of text that was needed. Hot lead alloy was then forced into the molds of matrices, creating the fresh line of type.

The linotype operator would then go on to type in the next line. Multiple lines would be stacked into blocks, sometimes paragraphs, to be set in place in the proper column of the page layout. Meanwhile, back inside the linotype machine, the matrices used for a line would progress through the machine, where the special keying system on one end of the matrix, unique for each character, would allow the matrix to drop back only into the correct storage slot, ready for the next use. Another benefit of this overall process was that each edition of the paper was created from a fresh casting of metal, thus avoiding problems of type wear.

I have purchased a copy of Linotype's Optima font (no TeX package) from They give instructions for MAC and Windows installation but not for Linux (I use Ubuntu).I have managed to put the font files as directory Optima in home/Linotype/Purchased_fonts/Linotype/Fonts. (I have several other Linotype fonts in that directory as well). The particular new fonts are called OptimaLTSd.otf etc. 2ff7e9595c

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