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Da Vinci Code Ebook Free Download 41


In early 2006, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh filed suit against Brown's publisher, Random House. They alleged that significant portions of The Da Vinci Code were plagiarized from The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, violating their copyright.[32] Brown confirmed during the court case that he named the principal Grail expert of his story Leigh Teabing, an anagram of "Baigent Leigh", after the two plaintiffs. In reply to the suggestion that Henry Lincoln was also referred to in the book, since he has medical problems resulting in a severe limp, like the character of Leigh Teabing, Brown stated he was unaware of Lincoln's illness and the correspondence was a coincidence.[33] Since Baigent and Leigh had presented their conclusions as historical research, not as fiction, Mr Justice Peter Smith, who presided over the trial, deemed that a novelist must be free to use these ideas in a fictional context, and ruled against Baigent and Leigh. Smith also hid his own secret code in his written judgment, in the form of seemingly random italicized letters in the 71-page document, which apparently spell out a message. Smith indicated he would confirm the code if someone broke it.[34] After losing before the High Court on July 12, 2006, Baigent and Leigh appealed to the Court of Appeal, unsuccessfully.[33][34]

The character of the man Leonardo evinces still some other unusualtraits and apparent contradictions. Thus a certain inactivity andindifference seemed very evident in him. At a time when every individualsought to gain the widest latitude for his activity, which could nottake place without the development of energetic aggression towardsothers, he surprised every one through his quiet peacefulness, hisshunning of all competition and controversies. He was mild and kind toall, he was said to have rejected a meat diet because he did notconsider it just to rob animals of their lives, and one of his specialpleasures was to buy caged birds in the market and set them free.[10] Hecondemned war and bloodshed and designated man not so much as the kingof the animal world, but rather as the worst of the wild beasts.[11] Butthis effeminate delicacy of feeling did not prevent him fromaccompanying condemned criminals on their way to execution in order tostudy and sketch in his notebook their features, distorted by fear, nordid it prevent him from inventing the most cruel offensive weapons, andfrom entering the service of Cesare Borgia as chief military engineer.Often he seemed to be indifferent to good and evil, or he had to bemeasured with a special standard. He held a high position in Cesare'scampaign which gained for this most inconsiderate and most faithless offoes the possession of the Romagna. Not a single line of Leonardo'ssketches betrays any criticism or sympathy of the events of those days.The comparison with Goethe during the French campaign cannot here bealtogether rejected.

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